art is war_______________________art is war
Možeš li preusmjeravati tokove. Jedna ruka tvojeg tijela kontrolira s ljepotom. Druga ruka tvojeg tijela kontrolira s zbrajanjem. Tebi je to sve isto. Navikao si ubijati bogove koji ti stanu na put. Stvarati novo. Čistiti mostove. Nudim ti aplikacije. Za prenošenje u postojanja. Sažmi svoje doživljaje. Postani neuništiva gustoća odsutnih riječi. Osvetit ćeš se onima koji su te slušali. Rasporit ćeš svako mrtvo tijelo. Napraviti zastave u slavu trenucima. Nemaš više krvi za ispis simbola. Zato započinješ naricanja: toliko sam bivao tijelom da sam zaboravio nestati. Zašto se svi vraćate iz ništavila. Ja ne želim biti vaše spasenje. Prihvaćam bilo koga da me zaustavi. Ubadam se polako. Ceremonija prodora u moje srce. Koreografija moći. Dramaturgija nepostojanja. Izbrišite sve riječi. Izokrenite sva djela. Ponizite svaku nadu. Dajte mi dugu smrtnu bolest. Dajete mi da gledam patnje svoje djece. Dajte mi da se zaogrnem prezirima i hladnoćama. Zabijte me u nacije i rodove. Šibajte me luđacima roditeljima. Palite me zloćom sestara. Neka se dogodi najgore što može. Neka moja sudbina bude užasna. Neka mi ne zavidi nijedan od sto milijardi. Neka anđeli šute moje ime. Neka se knjige zatvore. Neka se svijeće zalede. Neka bog malo posumnja. Neka ja nikada ne nestanem.
Can you redirect flows. One hand of your body controls with beauty. The other hand of your body controls with addition. It's all the same to you. You're used to killing gods who stand in your way. Create new. Clean bridges. I offer you applications. To transfer into existence. Summarize your experiences. Become an indestructible density of absent words. You will take revenge on those who listened to you. You will dismember every dead body. Make flags in glory moments. You have no more blood to print the symbols. That’s why you start crying: I’ve been so fleshly that I forgot to disappear. Why are you all coming back from nothing? I do not want to be your salvation. I accept anyone to stop me. I stab myself slowly. A ceremony to break into my heart. Choreography of power. Dramaturgy of non-existence. Delete all words. Turn all deeds upside down. Humiliate all hope. Give me a long deadly disease. You let me watch the suffering of my children. Let me wrap myself in contempt and coldness. Drive me into nations and clans. Whip me crazy parents. Burn me with the evil of the sisters. Let the worst happen. May my destiny be terrible. Let me not envy any of the hundred billion. May the angels keep my name silent. Let the books close. Let the candles freeze. May God doubt a little. May I never disappear.