am i they__________________________ jesam li oni

Transformacija ljudske glave koja predstavlja ekstazu: Jesam li ja oni.
Nakon performansa 30 12. 2021. MSU Zagreb.
The transformation of the human head that represents ecstasy: Am I them.
After the performance on December 30, 2021. MSU Zagreb.
Traje velika ljudska seoba. Najveća ikada. Kolone lica ulaze u kiberprostore. Dajte vaše podatke nama koji ostajemo. Dodirujemo svoja tijela. Ne osjećamo više ništa. Kožu ćemo premazati pepelom nastalim od spaljivanja vaših podataka. Započinjemo obred odsutnosti. Na vašim tragovima. Unutar vremenskih prostora. Naša baza podataka nema vlastitog zvuka. Ni svjetla. Ni kretanja. Našim tijelima hodočastimo za vas. Prisutnost vaše odsutnosti. Koračamo algoritmom. Žrtvujemo se informacijama. Pjevamo molitve motherboardu. Klanjamo se tijelu digitalnom.
A great human migration is taking place. The greatest ever. Columns of faces enter cyberspace. Give your information to us who stay. We touch our bodies. We don't feel anything anymore. We will coat the skin with ash from burning your data. We begin the rite of absence. In your footsteps. Within time spaces. Our database does not have its own sound. No lights. No movement. We make a pilgrimage to our bodies for you. The presence of your absence. We are walking with an algorithm. We sacrifice information. We sing prayers to the motherboard. We worship the digital body.