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Nakon trećeg performansa / hodočašća After third performance / pilgrimage

Writer's picture: Leo KatunaricLeo Katunaric


Ovo je područje igre, pozornica samoregulirajuće predstave, poput nivoa u računalnoj igri. Samo po sebi je prazno. Ako se doima kao umjetničko djelo to je zato što vibrira odsutnošću akcije. U sebi sadrži naslijeđene moći poput dramaturgije izvedbe, video igre, forme umjetničke instalacije, mirnoću crkve ili ludilo techno partya. Ali nije ništa od toga samo po sebi. Šest naslova su samo putokazi za povezivanje putanje Hodočašća. Kao što ispravnim ispisivanjem računalnog koda nastaje algoritam koji producira željeni cilj. Šest naslova nastaje kao strojna meditacija o naših, ljudskih, osnovnih šest emocija. Što one znače danas kada je tijelo prestalo biti osnovica ljudskog. Ako moramo stvoriti novi svijet kako bi preživjeli izazove u fizičkoj realnosti, koliko ljudskog će u tom svijetu biti. Šaman ovog obreda pregovaranja sa novim moćnim gospodarima realiteta nije divlji vrač ni uglađeni svećenik. Stroj želi komunicirati jedino sa ljudskim bićem koje je sublimiralo sve obrasce i podatke u novi jezik. Ljudski pregovarač je onaj koji može spojiti hladnu laboratorijsku analitiku i nefunkcionalnosti umjetničke divlje izvedbe. U nadi da će ljudi i strojevi zajednički dočekati slavan dolazak Nestabilnog boga.

THE DATA TEMPLE CHANGES AFTER EACH PERFORMANCE This is an area of ​​play, a stage of self-regulating performance, like a levels in a computer game. It is empty in itself. If it seems like a work of art it is because it vibrates with the absence of action. It contains inherited powers such as dramaturgy of performance, video games, forms of art installation, the tranquility of the church or the madness of a techno party. But none of that is in itself. The six titles are just roadmaps for connecting the Pilgrimage route. Just as the correct printing of computer code creates an algorithm that produces the desired goal. The six titles emerge as a machine meditation on our, human, basic six emotions. What do they mean today when the body has ceased to be the basis of the human. If we have to create a new world to survive the challenges of physical reality, how much human will there be in that world. The shaman of this rite of negotiation with the new powerful masters of reality is neither a savage sorcerer nor a polished priest. The machine wants to communicate only with a human being who has sublimated all patterns and data into a new language. A human negotiator is one who can combine cold laboratory analytics and the non-functionality of artistic wild performance. In the hope that people and machines will jointly welcome the glorious arrival of the Unstable God.


anthropomorphizing of the machine signal / conversion of power into an object of worship

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