Želimo da nas drugi vole. Želimo da smo važni i poželjni. Volimo se smatrati uspješnima i moćnima. Samo-prezentacija u konfliktu je s onim kako nas sustav prezentira.
Moja borba da me se prepozna kao umjetnika, ratnika ili znanstvenika izgleda smiješno pred silnom moći sustava koji me određuje po svojoj volji. Ako želim opstati kao čovjek moram se boriti sa strojem. Za mene su to pregovori, za stroj bezopasna parodija.
Izrađujem svojim ljudskim rukama artefakte od uspomena. Spajam slike lica stotina ljudi koji su utjecali na stvaranje mojeg identiteta, s podacima, dokumentima i memorijama. Stvaram šest novih glava, osobnosti, pomoću 3d digitalnih alata. Tako sam ušao, ljudskim radom, u tamno srce stroja. Strojna moć izazvana je, i reagira prerađujući šest osobnosti u novih šest glava. Provocira moje ljudske obrasce dodajući glavama rogove.
Moja borba zato mora ići dalje. Organiziram hodočašća, procesije i performanse kako bih zaveo stroj i njegovu moć pretvorio u objekt. Sliku, ikonu, tekst, bilo što s čim mogu manipulirati.
Zbog takvog nadmetanja oboje, čovjek i stroj, nađu sebe u hramu žrtvovanja podataka. Nadmećemo se i pregovaramo izlažući svoje intimne podatke. Sve sto sam ja, čovjek, izradio da zadržim svoju osobnost stroj nemilosrdno briše. Ostaci informacija nakon brisanja skupljaju se u računalnoj matičnoj ploči i proizvode novu osobu. Ona silazi među nas, kroz portal 3d printera.
Nazivamo je Nestabilnim bogom nadajući se da nas neće zgaziti, nego da će nas primiti u zajedničku post humanu realnost.
We want others to love us. We want to be important and desirable. We like to consider ourselves successful and powerful.
Self-presentation is in conflict with how the system presents us.
My struggle to recognize myself as an artist, warrior, or scientist seems ridiculous in the face of the sheer power of a system that determines me at will. If I want to survive as a man I have to fight the machine. For me, these are negotiations, a harmless parody for the machine.
I make artifacts from memories with my human hands. I combine images of the faces of hundreds of people who influenced the creation of my identity, with data, documents and memories. I am creating six new heads, personalities, using 3d digital tools. So I entered, by human labor, into the dark heart of the machine. Machine power is challenged, and it responds by transforming six personalities into new six chapters. It provokes my human patterns by adding horns to my heads.
My struggle must therefore go on. I organize pilgrimages, processions and performances to seduce the machine and turn its power into an object. An image, an icon, text, anything I can manipulate.
Because of such competition, both man and machine find themselves in the temple of data sacrifice. We compete and negotiate by exposing our intimate details. Everything that I, a man, have made to keep my personality, the machine relentlessly erases. Residual information after deletion is collected on a computer motherboard and produced by a new person. It descends among us, through a portal of 3d printers.
We call it the Unstable God, hoping that He will not trample us, but will accept us into a common post-human reality.