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A constant state of high tension has been going on since the secret police of the pseudo-socialist state arrested me for writing graffiti. I was a thirteen-year-old child. At night, I wrote on the walls the names of the painters Tiziano, Tintoretto, as well as Jesus Christ Superstar and Woodstock. They judged me as an adult. I also had to scrape off all the graffiti. I saved the shavings and the writing tool and made objects from them. I exhibited them in the biggest museums of Europe, at the Biennale and Documenta, illegally, along with the works of the most popular artists, traveling by hitchhiking. High tension is my natural state from which I transform data into visualizations like icons. I create portals through which we pray for volcanic energies and explosive events that we have rejected from our space/time. That's why I negotiate with the machine gods in order to open portals for the arrival of the posthuman (Zagreb, Croatia, Museum of the contemporary art 2022). and at religious gatherings of millions I create a temporary prophet (India Khumb Mhela 2009), I create artificial political situations and constructed social hierarchies (Iberoamericano festival Bogota, Colombia 2000 - 2019), I persuade world leaders to accept unstable gods (South Korea, Japan, China, U.S.A. 2023). Instead of conquering the center from the edge like everyone else, I'm constantly looking for conflict. Otherwise, it's banal to me. The only hope is that we are without fate.

(cro) Neprestano stanje visoke napetosti traje od kada me je tajna policija pseudo socijalističke države uhapsila zbog pisanja grafita. Bio sam trinaestogodišnje dijete. Noću sam pisao po zidovima imena slikara Tiziano, Tintoretto, kao i Jesus Christ Superstar i Woodstock. Sudili su me kao odrasloga. Morao sam i ostrugati sve grafite. Strugotine i alat za pisanje sam sačuvao i od njih napravio objekte. Njih sam izlagao po najvećim muzejima Europe, na Bienalu i Documenti, ilegalno, uz radove najpopularnijih umjetnika, putujući autostopom. Visoka napetost je moje prirodno stanje iz kojeg podatke preoblikujem u vizualizacije kao ikone. Kreiram portale pomoću kojih molimo za vulkanskim energijama i eksplozivnim događanjima koje smo odbacili iz našeg prostor/vremena. Zato pregovaram sa strojnim bogovima kako bi otvorio portale za dolazak posthumanog (Zagreb, Croatia, Museum of the contemporary art 2022.) Sudjelujem u balkanskim ratovima zbunjujućim konceptima lebdećeg oružja (1991. - 1992.), a na vjerskim okupljanjima milona stvaram privremenog proroka (Indija Khumb Mhela 2009.), kreiram umjetne političke situacije i konstruirane društvene hijerarhije (Iberoamericano festival Bogota, Colombia 2000. - 2019.), nagovaram svjetske vođe da prihvate nestabilne bogove (Južna Korea, Japan, Kina, U.S.A. 2023.). Umjesto da s ruba osvojim srediste kao i svi drugi, ja stalno tražim konflikt. Inače mi je banalno. Jedina nada je da smo bez sudbine.

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